Complaint Policy
At Rovers, we understand that from time to time there may be disagreements between members of our club including perhaps between members and the management committee. The priority, in such disputes, is to resolve the matter and reconcile differences between the parties, if at all possible.
Steps to take:
If you have a disagreement with another member in the club, we would firstly encourage you to speak with the other person directly and hopefully resolve the issue.
Should this not result in a satisfactory outcome, we would encourage you to offer again to meet, inviting 1 or 2 others to be present.
Failing this we would offer someone from the club to meet with all involved, again in attempt to resolve the matter. This may be the team coach, club chaplain, club president or other committee member.
For more severe cases, or should the matter still be unresolved, disputes can be brought to the management committee through written submission sent to the club secretary.
Contact :
Club Chaplain – Bruce Liu -
Club President – -
Club Secretary – Elyssa Mullaley -